Introduction to the NEAC Annual Exhibition 2024

by Patrick Cullen, NEAC President

This is my first annual exhibition as President of the remarkable society that is the New English Art Club. Throughout the year the NEAC engages in various activities, from a busy education programme to regional shows. However, this annual show is the highlight. We all, members and non-members alike, take huge pride in exhibiting here, aware of the society’s rich history and renowned past members.

This year, we revived the tradition of inviting major artists we admire to exhibit with us. In its early days, the NEAC regularly invited artists like Monet and Degas, who were pioneers of Impressionism. Their fresh vision, born from an intense process of looking, brought excitement and innovation to the art world.


And this is what the NEAC continues to celebrate and promote today. Schools and movements come and go, but artists always return to observing the world around them for new inspiration, leading to a multitude of styles, with Impressionism being just one.


Our two invited artists – Anthony Eyton OBE RA and Leon Morrocco RSA approach painting differently, but both share that crucial starting point: they look, and they sketch, and out of this process come extraordinary paintings.


We also pay tribute to two exceptional members who sadly passed away last year: Tom Coates and Bob Brown. Be sure to view their wonderful paintings which we are privileged to be able to show in this exhibition.


Patrick Cullen, President.

June 13, 2024