Jacqueline Rizvi, March Sea and Sky£ 675.00
Jacqueline Rizvi, Sunset over the Sea£ 975.00
Charles Williams, Alan, Gryff and John V4£ 5,000.00
Benjamin Hope, All Saints, Spring Morning£ 1,450.00
Patrick Cullen, Annapurna 2£ 950.00
Victoria Jinivizian, At Catherine's Table£ 950.00
Felicity House, At the Printmakers£ 1,250.00
Tom Benjamin, Beach with Bulldozer and Traffic Cone£ 1,800.00
Neil Pittaway, Big Ben in Westminster£ 950.00
Julie Held, Blue£ 4,250.00
Daniel Shadbolt, Catherine£ 3,000.00
Jason Line, Chair Meeting£ 2,200.00
Neil Pittaway, City of Light£ 2,250.00
John Dobbs, Cup and Knife£ 1,200.00
John Dobbs, Daffodils£ 1,400.00
Neil Pittaway, Dusk at Mosi-oa-Tunya, 'The Smoke that Thunders', Victoria Falls Zimbabwe£ 1,100.00
Craig Jefferson, Figures, Stairs and Doorway£ 3,700.00
Duncan Wood, Floret£ 1,150.00
Diana Charnley, Forecourt£ 950.00
Julie Held, Heat£ 7,950.00
Louise Balaam, Hindleap, Pure Blue Sky£ 5,000.00
Grant Watson, I Wanna Be Your Dog£ 4,500.00
Richard Sorrell, Information Office£ 750.00
Tom Benjamin, Jetty with Fishing Boat in Shadow£ 1,800.00
David Parfitt, Kairatos£ 1,250.00
Anthony Morris, Merton College Chapel, Magpie Lane£ 1,500.00
Charlotte Halliday, My First Pinks£ 650.00
Clare Haward, New Moon£ 1,600.00
Laura Smith, No Dark Hold's So Strong It's Not Broken by Light I£ 1,200.00
Laura Smith, No Dark Hold's So Strong It's Not Broken by Light II£ 1,200.00
Grant Watson, No End£ 2,700.00
Alex Fowler, Over the Garden Wall, La Ciotat£ 1,600.00
Anthony Morris, Paddock in Winter, Herefordshire£ 2,600.00
Alex Fowler, Peony Bud£ 1,500.00
Craig Jefferson, Reading Girl in Stripes£ 850.00
Toby Ward, Roofmasters£ 4,500.00
Francis Bowyer, Rough Seas over Steer's Pier£ 8,500.00
Patrick Cullen, Sasha Reflecting on her Alter Ego£ 4,750.00
Jason Line, Self Portrait with Chairs£ 2,400.00
Anthony Morris, Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford£ 2,500.00
Richard Sorrell, Some People Who Knew Some Famous People£ 2,250.00
Julia Hawkins, St Mary's Church, East Bergholt£ 600.00
Anthony Morris, St Mary's Church, Oxford£ 2,800.00
Richard Sorrell, Stars£ 2,250.00
Clare Haward, Still Life at Sea£ 1,400.00
Julia Hawkins, Still Life with Musical Instruments£ 1,250.00
Clare Haward, Still Life with Seed Pod£ 1,400.00
Craig Jefferson, Striped Woman with Bag£ 3,700.00
David Parfitt, Taverna Garden£ 2,500.00
Jacqueline Rizvi, The Bird Patterned Bowl£ 850.00
Laura Smith, The Feast Day of Saint Roch£ 4,000.00
Julie Held, The Garden - Blue Sky, Cold Day£ 4,750.00
Neil Pittaway, The Mighty Victoria Falls, 'The Smoke that Thunders', Zimbabwe£ 1,995.00
Charlotte Halliday, The Orchid£ 750.00
David Carpanini, The Pathfinder£ 950.00
Alex Fowler, The Tree and the House, La Ciotat£ 1,600.00
Laura Smith, Theatre Royal£ 4,600.00
Charlotte Halliday, Townshend Road, Early Spring£ 750.00
Richard Sorrell, Two Dogs£ 1,900.00
Michael Weller, Weymouth Harbour, March '23£ 600.00
Michael Weller, Winchester, December£ 1,450.00
Michael Weller, Winchester, December '23£ 950.00
Michael Weller, Winchester, November£ 1,450.00
David Carpanini, Winter Copse in the Cotswolds£ 750.00
David Carpanini, Winter Morning Study£ 550.00
Patrick Cullen, Yesterday/No Tomorrow£ 9,000.00
David Parfitt, Zembil and Rake£ 450.00
Lorna Vahey, A Performance in Tunbridge Wells£ 750.00
William Packer, A Safe Distance£ 4,000.00
Paul Curtis, Across the Fields to the Sea, Cornwall£ 700.00
Lorna Vahey, An Opera on the Great Ouse£ 850.00
Andrew James, Autumn Allotment£ 1,500.00
Jane Corsellis, Autumn, The Thames at Chiswick£ 3,750.00
Michael Whittlesea, Barrio Viejo£ 950.00
Paul Curtis, Beach Party, Porthmeor Beach, St Ives, Cornwall£ 2,850.00
Robert E Wells, Beddington Park£ 4,995.00
Michael Kirkbride, Central Park£ 750.00
Dennis Gilbert, Chiswick Bridge£ 800.00
Arthur Neal, Conversation I, Edge of the Sea£ 1,500.00
Arthur Neal, Conversation II, Edge of the Sea£ 1,650.00