The NEAC is a registered charity that supports aspiring and established figurative artists through teaching, scholarships and exhibiting. There are a variety of ways you can support us and get involved including by MAKING A DONATION or becoming a FRIEND OF THE NEAC.

Why support the New English?

"Because artists should be greatly encouraged and supported, without condition. Without them, the world would descend into an inhuman and terrifying greyness. To draw and paint figurative art is to be utterly present, to notice and to see, and to notice again, and appreciate and then record this light, this figure, this landscape; object; person; feeling; thought; dream as it is now in this moment, and then this one. After all, 'now' is the only moment we can be sure of." Richard & Alison Chenevix-Trench




  • You may also want to consider leaving a gift or donation to the NEAC in your will. Find out how to do this on the website.